Vista View

Standing on the edge,

Breath taken by the vastness-

Imperfect beauty.

Mogollon Rim
Mogollon Rim

Several weeks ago, we traveled to the Mogollon Rim and stopped at multiple vantage points to admire the view.  At this particular spot, my attention was torn between the expanse of tree-filled land and the seemingly dead (but still standing) tree.  I took a few close ups of the tree, but then decided I liked how it contrasted the horizon.  I seem to be drawn to nature’s imperfections.  How about you?  In nature, what makes you stop and give a second look?

I was inspired to write this short haiku because I haven’t written poetry in a while, and my thoughts are already on our weekend camping trip with the Boy Scouts.  It’s a family camp out, but we’ll also be helping an older scout with his Eagle project. I don’t know what they will have us doing, but I’m pretty sure it won’t involve reading blogs or writing stories on my laptop.  For this reason, I won’t post anything else until Monday.  (I’m not even going to look at Friday’s Trifecta prompt because I don’t think I can resist the temptation to write it!)

Who knows, maybe I can catch up a bit on blog reading in the meantime.  (I won’t hold my breath on that…) I hope you have a peaceful Thursday and a beautiful weekend!